Rituals for the forgotten milestones


Rituals for the forgotten milestones


I think of a ritual as a practice that allows your body to bond to meaning.

And because the wider culture doesn’t have a way to recognize so many of the life-transitions we experience (only the transitions that affirm our culture’s values), our bodies and our spirits are left hanging.

Consider the ritual most cultures have for marriage: months of planning, entire community gathers, a huge feast. And then consider the complete absence of ritual for divorce. Bodies and spirits left hanging.

When I began to give myself permission to craft my own rituals and help clients do the same, I realized they were so healing and life-affirming, especially for those ambiguous moments or inner markers that fell outside of traditional milestones.

If you find yourself longing for a way to mark a life moment or a transition, I’m here for you! Nothing is too small or too big, from divorce and miscarriage to house blessings and sobriety celebrations.

Here’s how it works:

I’ll send you some questions/exercises for pre-work, and then we’ll meet on zoom for a 90-minute session to dream up your ritual. We’ll make sure you have everything you need to allow your body and spirit to bond to meaning, and then we can practice the ritual together at the end of our session or you can save it for the right time.

After purchase I’ll be in touch with the pre-work and to schedule your session.

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